Such a busy little bee.
Welcome back, my imaginary visitor. I like to imagine that people actually visit my site. It’s probably all my imagination. I also like to imagine that there’s a single person in Bangladesh that obsessively visits my site to fill the void in his life, and the OCD in his head.
Well, my imaginary visitor, if you take a look to your right, you will see I’ve been busy. If the javascript gods have blessed me with good fortune, you should see a list of the projects I’ve just put up on Github. For a long time I’ve been frustrated with the amount of work I put up on the web. I want more of my work to be out there. Unfortunately, it takes quite a bit of time to polish a script until I feel it’s ready for the masses. Then it takes even more time to prepare documentation, presentation, a write-up, and post all of that to my website and creativecrash. Not to mention the little things I need to tweak for both those places. Also, while I appreciate that there is a site like creative crash to help aggregate scripts for users, I’m pretty disappointed with the implementation of the site and the attitudes of the people running it.
Enter Github. A place I can put my scripts, and easily update them. It encourages others to fork and improve my scripts, while also providing a bug tracker. Having my scripts on Github also means I’ll have a hassle free backup of them should anything happen to my computer (though Github warns users that it is not a backup service). Using Github also means using git, so my scripts will finally be version controlled! I’ve actually been using git itself on my scripts for about six months, but I haven’t really been using it seriously.
So there are many reasons why I’m going to use Github. The primary reason is to get my work off my computer, and into the hands of other users. To help with this goal, all of my Github repositories will be live repositories. Any change I make on my computer, I plan to immediately push to Github. I don’t want to sit on my code in fear of bugs and have my Github page turn into a barren wasteland. This means that anyone who uses my Github scripts will have all the newest features, the newest bugfixes, and the newest bugs that I’ve commited. If this leads to a problem with users, I may split off my work into two branches, a Live branch and a Master branch, with the expectation that the Master branch will be more stable. But for now I’m going to only use a Master branch to keep things simple.